Freedom: A Poem

Photo by Seth Doyle on Unsplash

I stand there.
There's a shower.
Water running down my back.
Imagining the water rinsing away.
Rinsing away my day.

Sunlight washes over me making me me hope.
A breeze takes my breath away reminding me to breathe.

I inhale.
Inhale life.
Inhale love.
Inhale freedom.

I exhale.
Exhale death.
Exhale darkness.
Exhale the anxiety that binds me.

That binds me to life.
That binds me to my sins.
That binds me to the things that I don't speak of.

It starts slipping. 
The anxiety starts slipping away.

Just for a moment...I feel.
I feel the anxiety washing away.
Washing the heaviness away.
Washing the darkness away.
Washing the chains away.

I turn off the shower.

For a moment I am free. 
