Don't Forget To Say I Love You

Hey y’all!!! It’s been a while, but it’s been hard for me to find inspiration to talk about...just to be completely honest...but I got my break the other day…while in the women’s bathroom...

There were about 5 other girls in there. (We were on a break from a training that we were all at.)

While..ummmm...doing my business...I had the pleasure to overhear their lovely conversation.

What were they talking about?

Well, their bodies, of course. They were talking about how fat they were...what size pants they wore...or didn’t wear anymore…

I’m sitting in the stall...a size 22...a woman who was probably one of the largest in the class...a woman who (although we all have our insecurities...probably was the least insecure of them all) was at twice as big as some of those women…

Now, I understand wanting to be healthy...and I understand that some of the smallest people can be the most unhealthiest….

With this, it made me so sad to hear these ladies talking so poorly about their bodies! They were literally bashing themselves. They were talking about how much weight they had gained from working at our current job from just stress and eating on the go. When it comes to relating to that, trust me...I can relate...I’ve gained weight since starting my job...the struggle really is real…but I hate it when people bash their matter how large or small they are…

While I was um….sitting there...I got to thinking...So I just wanted to put my thoughts out on to speak….

  1. No matter what your body type should love it...treat it with respect! Wake up and tell yourself you are fucking’re a fucking unicorn...and tell yourself that….EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING.
  2. Your body will be there with you through thick and thin...pun intended...can you tell me anything and anyone who is guarenteed to never leave? Even your mind goes eventually. Again, be nice!
  3. This one is something that I have trouble with...we all do...but QUIT COMPARING YOURSELF TO OTHERS! Someone will always be skinnier or fatter or prettier or more ugly….but only one person can be you! And guess who that is….YOU!
  4. Just in case you didn’t don’t have to participate in the communal body shaming that happens in the bathroom or in the breakroom….I don’t. I have...but when people start talking about how they shouldn’t be eating something...I try my damndest to not participate. When I say that I don’t...I do find myself drifting into that talk at times, but I make sure to stop myself or remind myself after it happens to STOP! I mean really, who really does that help? You? No… Your friends? Nope… Your co-workers? Uh...NO. It helps no one...So next time this happens...consciously try not to do it anymore...Now will we all find ourselves drifting into those moments? Yep...but each time it happens, tell yourself to stop and tell yourself that it can’t happen again...if you’re making a conscious effort, then you’ll notice yourself not doing it near as much. Another fun tip...just stay away from those conversations as much as possible!
  5. Wear what makes you feel good inside! Don’t worry about what others have to say about what you’re wearing! (Assuming it’s work appropriate of course…) As a little girl I know once said when her mother was upset because she wasn’t matching her clothes…”I wear it because I feel it!” Wearing things that you love will automatically make you feel good about life!
  6. Tell others that they are beautiful! This may seem a little woo-woo and froo-froo...but spread the love!!! The more your send positivity and love into the world, the more you’ll hear it and feel it!!! You’ll start feeling better about yourself and others will start feeling better about themselves! I was listening to a podcast once and the person that was being interviewed said that he always tries to make at least ten people smile a day.

Again, I know how easy it can be to get into that frame of mind where you talk down about yourself and your body, but you have got to remind yourself daily that you are better than your mind is telling you that you are in that moment.

Comment below with how you overcome body image issues and what your daily mantras are when you start feeling bad about yourself!


