Back To Basics

I know that I have already written in the Welcome post, but I thought that I would write more in depth about why I wanted to start back writing on this blog.
What’s been going on lately?
Two years ago I started a new job. Thought I will not go into detail about the job itself, I will say that it is busy and super stressful. There are many nights that I work late. There are some days when I get home I am so exhausted that I just want to go to passing go, no collecting $200.
Also while I was running my hip started to hurt. I would rest my hip for a few days and then it would feel better. It hurt just to do just normal daily activities like walking at my job or even driving my car.
I guess over time I just slowly let myself get out of the habit. I would start to work out again, but for whatever reason I just couldn’t get back into the habit. Part of me thinks that I was just tired and needed a break.
I also stopped doing other things that make me happy, like blogging, crafts, and yoga. I honestly just didn’t feel like doing them anymore and when did, I felt totally uninspired.
What made me start thinking?
I took the week of Thanksgiving off in 2015. I couldn’t sleep at all. I would only sleep like two hours at night and then I would sleep all day because I was so tired. All I could think of was work. I worried about work continuously.
I was that point where I knew something had got to give.
I knew that I had to start working on myself again.
Previously, I knew that counseling helped me out a lot, so I went to work and asked for a referral to counseling. It took me a little longer to start than I hoped it would, but she’s helping me get to my “big picture” and to reach my goals in life.
Then, a new intern started at work. I was talking to her about what was going on in my life. She was telling me about some things that he husband does. In that conversation, I told her that I had a blog that I hadn’t written on in like two years. She asked me why I hadn’t written on it. I told her that I didn’t have any inspiration. She suggested that I start a blog about my venture to building my home bakery business (which is in the works by the way).
After she and I had our conversation, I started to think about my blog I’ve had for years, this blog. I started to remember how great I felt writing. I loved writing. I loved posting it to my blog. I loved seeing the views, but more importantly, I loved knowing that those people read what was on my mind.
Not long after that conversation, a friend of mine announced on Facebook was going to make a huge life change. She started talking about different business ventures that she was going on and living a digital nomad lifestyle. (I’m not going to lie, I had to look that one up because I had no clue what that meant.) She looked so happy talking about it. I thought to myself, I want to get back to that. I want to talk about what I do in life and light up. She talked about starting an online course about how to make adventure possible. She made me start thinking about the things I used to go to outside. I love the sunshine and I love being active in the sunshine. Yoga is the best in the sunshine. I missed being active so much. I was just always so tired, but I realized that I needed to stop using that as an excuse…especially now that it is summer. I needed to get out because I missed the sunshine. I missed the happiness I got from the rays, and I miss the endorphins I got from being active.
I almost felt like all of these things were starting to lay out the path to what I was supposed to be doing in life.
What’s next?
Well , I’m going to start writing more on a blog. I was happy getting my thoughts out there and writing about whatever I please.

I’m going to start exercising more. I loved running. It was always a dream of mine to be able to run  a mile, and I was able to do that at one point. I’m going to get back to being able to do that.

I’m going to continue to do yoga, but on a “regular” basis. I’m already practicing once a week, but I would like to practice at least three times a week. This will help with my stress issues and, hopefully, some of my hormonal issues.

It’s going to be a long process, I’m sure, but I have to get back to me. I have to get back to the things that I believe in and the things that I care about in life. My mind and heart gets so lost in my day to day activities when some of those things just don’t matter to me as much.

Thank you for anyone who reads my blogs and anyone who supports me in this journey!

