
Anyone who looks through my blog posts will see that my last post was in 2014. I’ve kind of fallen off of the wagon when it comes to doing a lot of things that I love to do…unfortunately.

For instance, in 2013, I quit running on a regular basis due to bursitis in my hip. Which is basically the inflammation of the hip area...to put it very simply...but either way it hurts like a bitch!

I also quit doing yoga...which has gotten me through some very tough times in my life.

I couldn’t figure out anything to write about. I have literally had a two year writer’s block when it comes to writing of any sort...I couldn’t even write about how my day went in a notebook. I wasn’t able think of anything to blog about, and if I thought about something, I would quickly forget.  

I had to figure out what was wrong. Anything that I viewed as a creative outlet just want not happening.

I finally figured it out. I’m stressed...and I’ve been busy and stressed for 2 years now and I feel like any of my creative juices have been going into my day job, so much so that I have not been able to do.

Recently I was telling a lady I work with about my blog and how I haven’t written on it in like 2 years because I wasn’t I just didn’t know what to hell to write about. She stated that her husband had a blog that is pretty successful. She encouraged me to start back writing. So I started doing research. I researched and pinned for hours. I debated on switching from Blogger to Wordpress reading that Wordpress is more open source and better for bloggers and yada yada yada. I’m sure those things are very true, but since I’ve been using Blogger for literal years, I decided that Blogger would be the best platform for me.

With this decision, I decided to buy a domain name! Which is exciting and nerve wracking (for some reason considering that it is only $12 a year to keep it)!

What's going to be different? I'm not sure besides the fact that I'm going to be posting more often. I do want to focus more on building self confidence and body positivity. I want people to be happy and I want people to feel better about themselves. I want people to not look at their bodies and think that they are ugly and fat. I'm tired of people tearing their bodies apart because of what they think they should look like.

So welcome to the official mylifeaskathy.com!
