My Yoga Journey

Most people are surprised to hear that I consider myself a yogi.  When I say “yeah, I practice yoga!” people look at me like I’m stupid. It kind of bugs me because they look at me that way because I don’t look like what people typically think of when they hear about someone doing yoga….sorry not all of us have a gap between our thighs.  I’m not skinny in the slightest sense, and for the most part, I’m okay with that.  I do want to lose weight for the mere fact that I need to be healthy, but in general I’m very happy with whom I am.  Something that probably doesn't help this is that I eat meat and I don’t eat organic.  It isn't something that has been on top of my list of things to worry about.  Should I, probably, but I am too worried about getting my other eating habits under wraps.  I’ll admit it, I’m not the healthiest eater.  It’s also probably because I’m not a hippie…but then again not all of us are.  (However, it is okay if someone is considered a "hippie.")  You probably won’t see me in yoga pants unless I’m practicing…Honestly, you probably don’t want to see me in yoga pants unless I’m practicing, and maybe not even then.  Actually, I never even owned a pair of yoga pants until recently; I always just practiced in shorts.  Just in general, I don’t look like the typical yogi.

Recently I haven’t been the best yogi ever…I haven’t been able to motivate myself to practice in about a year, and I can’t really afford classes but every now and then, so I've only been to two of those in the past year.  (This will be changing I hope!)  Because of this I have to practice more at home…which means I need to be more disciplined than I had to be when I was going to class.  There are so many distractions at home.  I just have to do it. 

So how did I start practicing?  I actually started when I was 13 after reading about Sun Salutations in a Cosmo Girl magazine.  I've always been overweight being 188 lbs at the age of 12-13, and this promised that I would lose weight.  I did the Sun Salutations a few times, but in general it didn’t stick until about a year later.  I know 13 is young for this, but my first exposure to yoga was when I was more like 5.  My aunt and uncle used to own a little store in the town I grew up in.  My grandmother would wake up super early to go make biscuits to sale and open the store.  Every morning while we would get ready I would watch what we called the “Butt Woman” on PBS.  Years later I would realized that it was Priscilla Patrick, a yoga instructor who lives in Columbia in case you were wondering. 

Well not quiet 10 years later is when I started doing it a lot more.  My family was going through a tough time.  I was going through a tough time.  I still had that old Cosmo Girl lying around.  I divulged myself into doing those Sun Salutations.  While I was out of school I did them sometimes all day, every day.  When I went back to school I did them every morning.  Usually it was only three of them, but I did them every morning.  I dropped down from 188 lbs to 150 lbs in that year.  Eventually through high school I got my first job and got into other things and my practice eventually dwindled to not doing it regularly.  However, during that time it made me feel so much better.  I don’t know if it was because it kept my mind off of things or if it was because it made me find a peace in a time when there was none. 

When I started college I wasn't practicing near as much as I probably needed to, but I was maybe one a week.  During my sophomore year I dropped into a really difficult depression and I signed up for one of my first yoga classes in college as a leisure skill class.  The yoga class did help me some mentally, but I was still felt completely out of it.  What it did do for me is cause me to want to look into where yoga comes from.  You know, what is yoga?

A year later I signed up for another yoga class.  That class changed my life.  I knew from previous research that there were a lot of spiritual things that went with practicing yoga, but I didn't have any clue what that really meant.  This next yoga class I had signed up for was taught by someone who I have grown to look up to and adore.  She helped me learn how to bring the peace back into my practice that hadn't seemed to be there before.  The rest of my college years I took two more classes from her and I have developed a relationship with her.

So where am I right now when it comes to my yoga journey?  I haven’t been practicing a lot at all.  Well I don’t feel like I am.  Right now I feel like if I’m not practicing regularly, there is a reason.  I can’t pinpoint the reason though.  It’s not necessarily a laziness thing.  I will put down my yoga mat and just stare at it.  Then I may lay in savasana for a few minutes.  Hey, maybe that’s all I need to feel centered.  However, I do practice more than I realize.  It’s kind of developed into a practice that I do throughout my day.  For instance, when I feel l need a good back stretch I may do a down dog and cobra or a forward bend.  If it’s my lower back, I’ll do child’s pose.  I've been having pains in my hips and it helps when I do pigeon to stretch it out.  When I’m on break at work I mediate sometimes so I can bring myself down so I don’t feel like screaming.  (My job can be way too stressful sometimes.)  So I guess that even though I don’t have what you call a regular practice, I do have yoga integrated throughout my life, and I’m okay with that. 

What does the future hold for yoga?  I have no idea.  Maybe one day I'll become a yoga instructor.  I love yoga and I would absolutely love to become an instructor, but it costs a lot of money, so I'll just have to see what's in the stars when it comes to that.

