The Procrastinating Beauty Blogger Tag

I'm not exactly a beauty blogger, but this seemed like it would be fun to do...and I haven't blogged in a I decided to do this while watching the latest episodes of Switched at Birth that Netflix has posted.

So I found this on a beauty blog that I follow, Beauty Broadcast, and it seemed fun, so I'm going to do it!

Here goes nothing!

1. Name a beauty regime that you rarely do? 
Brushing my hair...those who know me know I have long hair...however, I absolutely HATE brushing it. I usually end up running my fingers through it in the shower while I have tons of conditioner in it so I can get around brushing it when I get out...
A picture of me and my long hair.

 2. Is washing your make-up brushes something that you do regularly?
If regularly is once a month then yes...I suppose that is regular for me. I wash my foundation brushes once a week usually...but the rest aren't so lucky :/

3. How long will you last with chipped nail polish? 
Honestly, I really don't paint my nails of then because I do not feel like keeping up with the maintenance...I also work in the health care field so I feel like if they're all chipped then it isn't exactly professional...The last time I did have them painted was my wedding.  It was gel nails and they lasted a week because the beds started chipping I had to take the polish off :/  

 4. How long will you put off buying/replacing a beauty product, even if you need it? 
If I need it...I buy it, unless I just can't afford it...but usually I just buy it right away.

 5. What is your worst beauty habit? 
Picking at those under the skin pimple I get right before that time of the month.  It HATE them.  However now I drop a couple of drops of water on an non-coated aspirin and pack it on it and place a bandage on top. It helps shrink it down right away.  Usually I sleep with it on.  Sometimes I put it on and drive to work because it takes about an hour to get to work.  This trick works AMAZINGLY!

6. Name something non-beauty related that you put off doing all the time? 
Washing dishes....and folding clothes...I hate doing both!

 7. When going out somewhere, do you leave getting ready to the last minute? 
I try not to...but sometimes it happens.  It really all depends on where I'm going and how I feel.  If it's for work sometimes I just throw on clothes and go, if me and Charlie are going to go out then I usually get ready in plenty of  time.

8. Can you commit to spending bans?
Not really, but I don't have tons of extra money to have to worry about putting myself on a spending ban because I have to budget stuff in anyways.

9. How organised is your make-up and nail polish collections? 
I have a tackle box for my makeup that I don't often use.  The makeup I use everyday I have in a couple of basics...that is about as "organized" as I get.  And honestly, my finger nail polish is just kind of lying around the house in random places and random drawers...there really is no rhyme or reason to it...

I know I'm not a beauty blogger, but I tag whoever reads this and wants to do it!

