Graduation and Thanks

I am officially a college graduate! 

I had planned on posting something about this yesterday; however, out power went out Thursday night and didn't come back on until last night...I was not extremely happy. Either way, our power is now restored and I am back to business.  

This post is really supposed to be a thank you to my family and friends who have always been there...and of course there will be a few pictures from the day of.  

First and foremost I want to thank my family.  All fifty of them...okay that MIGHT be a little bit of an exaggeration, but I do have about 20-30 of them to thank.  That does include my wonderful fiance and his family.  Everyone has always been so encouraging to me.  I've always been so grateful that it has always seems that my whole family has wanted this for me and has wanted me to succeed in the way that I wanted to also helps that they know I'll do what the heck that I want to do. I know that I still have a letter that my cousin gave me when I graduated from high school that told me how proud she was of me for pursuing my dreams.  

Another group of people who have been amazing to me are my friends.  As time went on I have seen who my real best friends are.  My friend Nikki has been there since we were 11 and though we have had a couple of issues in the past, they have never broken us up.  You can't break up a 13 year friendship.  She was so excited that I graduated from Clemson that she watched from her home in Augusta.  My friends Erica and another friend that I can't mention ( ;D) came to my graduation.  All of my friends have been there for me through my anxiety attacks and freak out (aka: " Uhhh, I know I have my diploma, but I just know that it's still not going to work!"), but Erica and the friend that shall not be named have been able to be there in person through my senior year.  Either way, all of my friends have always been there for me! 

Another person that I miss dearly is my counselor, but she deserves recognition for helping me through so many problems over the past couple of years.  These problems are things that I couldn't talk to anyone else about.  She knows everything about me.  I guess she kind of had to know everything to help me, but she listened and never judged me once.  Again, I know that it was her job, but it still helped so much to have that.  I couldn't have done it without her. 

I know I didn't mention a lot of names here, but you know whether you've been there for me or not.  I just wanted to thank everyone in some way :D 

Bentlee, Heather, Me, Eric, Stella

Me and Travis

Shaking President Barker's Hand...What you can't see is how bad I was actually shaking...

Me and Beth 
Me and My Future Mother In Law-Suzanne 

My mom and dad

Me hugging one of my future father in laws, Terry...With Mary creeping in the background ;) I <3 you Mary! 

Me with my most handsome fiance!! 

Charlie and Charles, his dad.  Charles had to go back to work so I didn't get any pictures with him :( 
There are some pictures that are missing...AKA ones with both my aunt and uncle and one with my friends Erica and she who must not be named....I'm waiting for other people to email me pics. 

People's favorite question to ask me is what are you going to do next in life...honestly I have no freakin' clue! But I'll figure out that eventually, as of right now, I'm going to be looking for something, hopefully baking (remember to call me for cupcakes...cookies and cakes may do too), and more than likely, blogging a little more.

CU Class 2012

