The Beginning of the End

All good things have to come to an end, right?  Well, something that has been the norm to me for the past two years has officially come to an end.  Last week I got a call from my therapist saying that she was moving and I wouldn't be able to see her anymore next semester.  My God, I was completely devastated...This woman has been in my life through a lot of different things.  She has been there with me through break-ups, through me trying to find a place to live, and many other things.  She has always been the one person that I felt I could tell everything to and she wouldn't judge me, she just accepted me for me.  I know some of the people reading this are thinking "well, duh, isn't that her job?"  Yes it is/was, but it feels much different than that.  It feels good to know that someone is completely on your side.  

She has someone in mind for me to start seeing, but we talked today, and I think that I'm going to go without it for a little bit.  I feel like this is almost a sign that it's time to be on my own with this....well on my own as in not having a counselor to go to every week...I still have my family and friends there for me.

I have so many things coming up for me.  I'm finally graduating and in just over a year, I'm going to be getting married to an absolutely wonderful man with a wonderful family.  I've made it this far in life, and I feel that everything I have worked far is starting to turn out how I want it to turn out! As long as I'm smiling it'll be okay ;)

