First Week Down Son!

So I posted the other day (I guess about 4 days ago) that I was starting Insanity.  I've had a couple of friends who have tried it and loved it.  So what do I think about it? I can't say that I love it, but it does inspire me to try's hard for me to quit anything, just ask me how many years I've been in college ;).

Something else that inspired me today....these bitches out side of Target...I went to Charlie's mom and step-dad's house to lay out in the sun today.  Afterwards, I decided to go to Target to get some peanut butter for what I was making for dinner tonight.  As I was walking in I saw these two girls staring at me.  I know I didn't look hot, and I wasn't trying to, but my God have some damn manners.  Well, as I was walking in one of the girls said to the other, "look at the girl." The other girl asked, "what girl?"  Then the first girl said, "the one walking in."  The girl said it so I would hear too all the power in me to not look at her and say "bitch you're just jealous because my boobs are bigger than yours." Did I do that? No. You know why? Because I got some damn sense! I just ignored it and called my bff, Nikki.  Anyways, I'm not sure if it was a crack on the fact that I had a bathing suit on, or it was a crack on the fact that I am a bigger girl, or maybe she was on crack...I don't was probably just bitches being bitches....well of course I took it was a crack on my weight. I'm not sure why I did though, I haven't been called fat since I was 12....maybe even younger.  I guess because I'm being more conscious about it. But since I took it that way, it made me even more determined to work out tonight.

Okay....sorry about that back to Insanity!

As I said in the last post, I needed to change up my workout routine. So I chose this one.  I don't think that I did too terribly during the Fit Test, but for the rest of the week I felt like an IDIOT! I literally felt stupid doing the exercises, but I kept going.  Today I did the Plyometric Cardio Circuit for the second time and I felt like it went soooo much better than the first time that I did it.  The biggest thing that I liked about this week is that I felt like I was doing a billion and one push ups! I know my arms  and shoulders are going to be just a bit achy tomorrow...and it's just in time for my 4 hours of yoga!!!! Tomorrow is an Insanity rest day, but that doesn't mean that I am resting!  Another thing that I love??? I love that when I finish I always have sweat dripping from the ends of my hair! That in itself is proof that I needed to switch up my workout routine!  Have I lost any weight since I started? Ummmm....does losing .7 of a pound count? That's almost a pound right? Wish me luck on the second week!!! Thanks for reading and listening to my rant!

