Staying Motivated

As many people know, I have had trouble staying motivated lately.  It sucks because I am two pounds away from the 50 pound mark!  I want to lose those two pounds...for some reason, I can't just get off my ass and do it! 
To help me do this I Googled "staying motivated during weight loss."  This is probably my favorite article that I found.

I got excited when I came across it.  I love FitSugar.  I definitely think that you should check out the other things on the website!

This article had a lot of really useful tips.  I think that my favorite tip is "take it 1/2 day at a time."  I never thought about this. I love this though because sometimes you go "I cannot eat sweets today!" but then you think about it and a day seems like forever.  I really like the idea of going "I'm not going to eat sweets before lunch."  Then you say the same thing after lunch.  A half day feels a lot shorter than a whole day!

Another useful tip that I really liked was "recognize how far you've come."  This is something that I try and try to do. Sometimes I go...God I have 50 more pounds to go! That's going to take for freakin ever!  Then, I think about the fact that I've already lost 48 pounds...I know the next 50 won't be as easy, but if I can lose 50, then I can lose 50 more!  I just have to continuously remind myself of this! 

The last one that I will talk about is keeping a success journal.  It says to write down a success you had that day.  It can be the smallest success like "I really wanted a cookie, but I took a bite instead and waited a little while. Surprisingly, that bit of the cookie satisfied me a lot!"  Writing this down is supposed to help you see your accomplishments and show you that you can keep going on the days when you feel like you can't.

There are plenty of other tips in the article.  I would definitely read it.  Some other things that I like to do to try to stay motivated is look at Pinterest's fitness category, I go on 3FatChicksOnADiet all the time, and my aunt and uncle got me these pants for Christmas that are a size 14 and I try them on just to remember where I want to be.  When I got them I could barely button them, but now I can button them without any problems and they are almost wearable.  I could probably get away with wearing them with a hoodie...but I want to wear them when they look AMAZING, not just okay.

Keep it up! and Keep motivated on whatever your goals are! You can do it!



  1. Great job finding a way to motivate yourself!

    1. Thanks! It's still surprises me how difficult it can be to stay motivated and I've been doing this for a little over a year now! Thanks for the follow by the way :)


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