OMG...Becky Look At That Butt

As I posted on Facebook earlier, I got a wonderful compliment from my amazing fiance last night.  He hit my butt and said "Damn baby, your ass is getting tighter." My response to him...I would hope so!

When I posted that my cousin commented saying "Girl, I need to know your secretes!"  My response to her was "Girl, I wish there was a secret! I count calories and workout for an hour 5 times a week!"

So here I am...telling you my "secrets."

Like I said...there are no secrets to weight loss.  The secret is burn more calories than you eat.  When I first started losing weight, I thought that this meant if I ate 1500 calories I needed to burn 1600 (just made up numbers for the sake of an example)....This isn't true.  What it is is that you need to eat less calories than your body burns (this includes doing exercise).  All of this can be really hard to figure out.  I mean how do you know how many calories your body burns each day?  So how did I figure it out? I downloaded myfitnesspal on my Droid. Myfitnesspal is super awesome. When you sign up it asks you for your weight, your goal weight, how much you would like to lose each week, you height and your age, what you activity level is, and how much you plan on working out each week.  Then it estimates how much your body burns over the day and it has you eat less than you would burn. In myfitnesspal, you log everything you eat and keep track with your calories.  You can also log in your exercises and it estimates how many calories you burned.  I love this app. There are plenty of others out there. This one is just the one for me!

The website:

Another thing that I do is try to exercise 5 days a week for at least an hour.  If it's less I don't get all down on myself...I just do it the next day.  Sometimes I feel like having that extra day of rest is good for me.  I don't normally go to the gym even though I instantly get a gym membership through my college.  I know a lot of people feel more motivated if they have a gym membership...I feel like it's a waste of money for me because more than likely I am not going to feel like driving to the gym.  So I do workout videos.  The videos that I do are TurboFire and Chalean Extreme by Chalene Johnson.  She's also the inventor of Piyo and TurboKick. I love them! They are kind of expensive though (but in the long run, cheaper than a gym membership).  If your looking for some other things that are not so expensive, places like Walmart, Target, and K-Mart have really awesome workout videos for like $10 and sometimes less.  Some really good videos are the Biggest Loser workouts and Jillian Micheals' videos.  A weight loss forum that I'm a member has a lot of people that swears by the 30 Day Shred video.  

That's another thing I do, I get support from the people around me and online.  My family and friends have been a huge source of encouragement! Another thing that has helped is the forums on 3 Fat Chicks on a Diet.  The people on there are sooo supportive.  They're are also a lot of challenges and stuff that help keep you accountable.  I highly recommend it. 

That's my "secret" to weight loss...not a secret as all....just get off your ass and do it already! Start very small even if it's switching to water or going for a 15 minute walk everyday.  

Good Luck!!!!!

