Is It Over Yet?

The end of the fall semester is here and finals are approaching fast.  It seems insane.  The semester went by waaaaaay too quickly!  I just can't believe it.  Overall I did enjoy my classes, although Systems Theories could have been a little more interesting.  I was surprised how interesting New Testament Literature was.  My professor, Dr. Ben White, was new to Clemson and fresh out of grad school.  I absolutely loved him though.  I really wish he were teaching more classes because I would take them.  His only other class is discussing Paul and I'm not sure if I would like to take that, but you never know! I would love to take Old Testament next, but they aren't offering it next semester.  Women in Antiquity was interesting.  The only problem with it is that I don't know much about the Greeks and the Romans, and I felt that I was at a disadvantage because of it.  Either way I enjoyed it and I've done well so far. 

As I said, finals are approaching...they're actually next week to be exact.  I don't really feel extremely stressed, but I can tell that I am.  I had a dream last night that I forgot to go to my Sociology of Sex and Gender final and I was running late, but on the way to the final I realized that I completely forgot to write my essay for the essay portion of the exam because there was a wedding the night before and I was supposed to be writing it and I didn't finish it.  Then, during my dream, I started having an anxiety attack and I woke up freaking out.  I almost got up to start writing it, but then I realized that it was 7 AM on Saturday morning....hell, maybe I should have went on ahead and written it...I would have gotten that out of the way...
Another way that I could tell that I am stressed is that my neck is stiff as a has killed me all week long.  My yoga instructor did something to it to make it feel better and now it feels awesome! It's almost like she aligned it or something.  

I think the thing that I've been stressed about the most when it comes to school was waiting for the grade for my two term papers.  I thought that I had just done horribly on both of them.  So that's good news!!!  There is still soooo much for me to do.  I have to write my exam for Women Antiquity, write my exam for my Sex and Gender class, finish the study guide for Sex and Gender, and study for New Testament...oh yeah, then I have to work...when am I going to sleep again? 6 hours a night is more than I normally get, so it should be fine.

Anyways, I gotta get more studying in before work...I can't study there! Good luck to any Clemson student who reads this and has exam!!!  Hell, good luck to any college student or student who has exams!!! Y'all can do it!!!!

And of course I have to end with the song that inspires me.....yep you may have guessed it!!!
