Feeling Like Rainbows

Last spring I came across a pair of shoes that I absolutely loved.  So I was talking to my friend Amy about them and she said that she had a pair...what were these shoes? Rainbow Moon Boots! She let me have them and I couldn't wear them yet because it was July when I got them...Today I feel like it's cold enough so here we go!!!

Aren't they awesome? No? Yeah I know some people are thinking this...but I don't care. I love them! They make me feel like one of my childhood heros Rainbow Bright! They're just so fun! And we can't forget warm and comfy! They make me giggle inside because my feet look like little balls of fabric.

One thing that I wanted to say about me wearing these is that yeah I have had a couple of people say that they are ugly and that is quite understandable.  However, let me remind you of Uggs, Crocs, and the 80's (I can probably find a billion more examples if I wanted to.)  Everyone wears things because it is what they like.  So my inspiration and message to you is wear what you like!  As long as you feel comfortable in it rock it out!  Wear Moon Boots if you want! Wear leopard print pants...or thigh high socks with shorts and tennis shoes like all the sorority girls....see those looks stupid too.  I mean hell I saw a girl wearing leggings with slouchy socks and Reeboks the other day...it made me think of the way my aunt dressed when I was a child....ooooh the 90's. Either way, wear what you like and what you feel like wearing. You're the only one that matters and the only one that you need to make happy, and if it makes you smile, go for it!
Hope rainbows brighten your day!!!

