This Week In Casma

I know I should have posted about the previous week yesterday...but shit happens. So you get it on my birthday eve instead. HA! This week was a little more boring than the week before. Well, kind of boring. We did a lot of work.

A couple of interesting things that happened to me...

I was waiting to get into the hostal and this man started to talk to me in Spanish. I, of course, gave him a "I have no clue what you just said look." He then asked, in English, what language do you speak. I said...Uhhh...English. He then started talking to me in Spanish...I'm sitting here going dude, did I not just tell you I don't know what you're saying? He then asked me if I wanted to go mining. I was like The sad thing is, this is the second time someone asked me if I spoke Spanish and when I said not very well they proceeded to speak to me in Spanish...I don't think it works that way. (This one was just for you Roberto!)

The Virgin del Carmen celebration (I think that's what it is called) was this week in Casma...something about the virgin over the market, I don't know. They decided it was appropriate to start shooting fireworks at 6:10 AM every single morning this week....and proceeded to shoot them all. day. long. When I say all day I mean until 12 midnight and then they would restart every morning at 6:10. I think some drunk man was sitting near the fireworks and every hour or so would go...oh, wait I'm supposed to be shooting these aren't I. Okay, that's probably not how it went down, but it makes my day more interesting to think about it this way. Luckily the fireworks stopped on Sunday morning...but it might get worse as the 28th approches...

We went to this pretty awesome restaurant...I can't remember the name...maybe I'll ask someone...but the food was wonderful and it was beautiful!

Nothing else really happened this past week. This week is my birthday week and the last week we are here so we're going to have to do something fun right!?!?! Well off to Tio Sams!
