On the Way

Soo I'm on the way to Peru again! I'm at the Charlotte-Douglas Airport waiting to board...there's a delay due to thunderstorms.  Stupid thunderstorms.  Why in the world are there so many stupid thunderstorms???? I'm pretty excited though! Ready to get to Casma and update my blog as much as possible! I think that Rebecca might have internet now! That's going to be super freakin' awesome! Last year I had to pay for it and I could barely send an email in the time allotted, but this year maybe I'll have all the time I want....well when I'm not working of course. Just wanted to do a quick update before I left....if I ever leave. I really hope that this isn't delayed too long or cancelled....what if it's delayed so long that I can't catch the next flight or what if it's cancelled...I've never been through this before. Bwahhhhh!!!!! Oh well, I promise I'm not freakin out too much. I just hate this traveling bullshit....I just want to get to Casma and get settled in and drink Inca Kola! Okay, I might not be drinking too much Inca Kola, but I definitely need some damn crack peanuts!!! (If you want to know just ask.) So I'm here blogging and surfing the net in Charlotte and talking to Allyson and watching her fix her twisted ankle.

UPDATE! UPDATE! We're holding at least another 30 minutes to see if we can leave because apparently the storm will be over Newark at 1 or 1:30....sooooo we shall see if we can get the plane to Lima, Peru....

UPDATE UPDATE! 12:30:  We're switching from going to Jersey to Lima to going to Miami to Lima. We'll get there a little later...Me and Allyson haven't heard anything from out professor yet...we'll see what she says in her email!
People waiting to board the plane.

See the girl with the super cool Ninja Turtle backpack!!!! WANT!
Wish me luck!!!!

