Hola from Peru!

We landed in Lima, Peru around 9:00 PM, and remember that plane switch I mentioned in the previous post? Yeah....well they lost my bag. It sucks. Luckily, I not only packed toiletries in my suitcase but I made sure to bring extra with me in the carry on. I of course had to hand wash all of my undies last night though. I'm supposed to have it by tomorrow...we shall see. I'm not freaking out about it as much as you would think I would be. I'm more just annoyed by it and I'll be happy when I get it.

So, we arrived to Casma last night at 4 AM.....I really think yesterday was the longest day of my life! Okay, not the longest, but damn close. We come in and I just lay down and go to sleep. I was woken up this morning because American Airlines called the hostal and was very rude to me. I hate airlines....
But anyways…The day itself went well.  My professor, Allyson and I went to get a couple of things from around Casma. We had to get toilet seats, food (bread, jam, and water), and we went to Lucy’s for lunch. I had palta salad and some chicken something with lentils.

Here are some pictures from the plane ride and some of Casma itself :)
The coffee they gave me on the plane! Java City representin in Peru :)

And this is what I did the whole way here...5 hours of Harry!

View from the plane

The first thing I saw leaving the airport...why can't I get away from Android!?!?!

Mine and Allyson's room

The bathroom....notice the lack of toilet seat
Casma from the balcony 

Lovin' the mototaxis!
Sublime, Mani dulce (crack peanuts...I will be getting more of these babies!) and Inca Kola
Can't wait to get from Peru to see this!!!!!!


  1. why wasn't there a toilet seat??? lol and bring some of them peanuts so i can see what the fuss is about :)


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