First "Week" of School

So Clemson started classes back on the 13th I think. It snowed and then iced and whatever which means we actually started school two days late.  I mean the extra 2 days off were nice, but I didn't exactly want to be shut in my apartment forever! I needed to get out an do something.  But now I'm back in school (ek) and work (yay money!).  So far my classes have been good...I mean I technically haven't had a full complete week with snow and MLK Day... 

The classes that I'm taking this semester are as followed (without the times...I don't need any stalkers...):

Native American Cultures
Experimental Psychology 310 (with the lab)
Womens Studies 
Relaxation and Meditation

My take on those classes:
Native American Cultures:
So far so good on this one.  This is a class that I've been wanting to take forever (and when I say forever I mean 4 years).  I've always wanted to learn more about my heritage and I think that this class will help me do that.  My dad would also love to learn more, so I can pass on my knowledge to my dad. He's always been proud that he's part Cherokee. I know I'm not going to be learning about just Cherokee, but I would love to learn about all cultures....what can I say I love anthropology (just not me a weirdo if you want).
Now Dr. Coggeshall at Clemson teaches this class. This makes me a little nervous because this is the first time I've had an anthropology professor that wasn't Dr. Vogel...but so far I really like him.  I kind of wish there were PowerPoint slides, but only to a certain extent.  He almost lectures while telling a story and he leaves cliffhanger type things....but so far so good. I just really really hope that I am taking good notes.

Experimental Psychology 310 (with lab)
I have a feeling this class isn't going to be the most exciting shit ever....but I have to take it.  During the class I have to decide on an experiment and the do it and make a poster about it or something. Luckily the lab assignments don't seem terrible. I don't think there are any in Minitab (as stats program that sucks, you can do better work by hand of by using SAS).
Dr. Merrit seems cool enough.  He tries to keep the lecture interesting but when you've already heard the history of psychology in every class since you freshman year it kind of gets boring.  He kept it brief and to the point.

Womens Studies
This class has only met one day so far this semester because of snow and MLK Day, so I can't really say too much about it.  I think it will be interesting.  The only problem I can see that I might have is that there are going to be quizzes. I am horrible at quizzes, but she seemed acted like as long as you read the reading for the day you should be fine.  So maybe they won't be too bad.
Dr. Adams doesn't seem to be too bad though.  She seems really nice and she doesn't seem to be a man hater haha.  So we'll see.

Yoga (Ashtanga/Power Yoga)
I was excited about taking this class.  I love yoga and I love how I feel after doing it...even though there are a lot of rude people in the class....the second day of class this girl was making fun of this girl that couldn't do the poses. I just thought that was really rude.  But the class has been good so far....and burning 600 calories from yoga isn't too bad either :D
The instructor's name is Pheadra O'Connell.  I think she said she has been practicing yoga for 20 years and holy shit (excuse the language) she is amazing! Those funky moves where you pretty much have to life your whole body and contort in weird ways....yep she can do those. She's also super sweet and doesn't judge...which is important when you have your butt stuck up in the air for an hour and a half.

Meditation and Relaxation
We pretty much sit in a circle, talk about our "meditation experiences," different forms and ways to meditate, and then meditate.  We're starting off on 10 minutes, next week we move to 15 minutes, and then the next week we move to 20 minutes.  He is also going to teach us other different meditation techniques.  My instructor's name is Kelly Smith.  He teaches hapkido and I believe he also teaches biology.  He is pretty awesome and I think that if I would have known that he was going to be that cool when I chose biology professors last year I would have chosen him easily.  But either way I like his style of least when it comes to meditation and relaxation.  There is another section of this class that is taught by someone else and I think they go on nature walks and do things outside, but to me just plain ol' meditation is fine.  I would have recommend this before this class, but I think everyone should look up more on meditation and try it out! Google is a wonderful information source.

I am really excited about this semester in general.  I'm taking classes that I've been wanting to take and I think that I'm going to do pretty well in them. So wish me luck! And good luck to all of you guys who are in school! I know y'all will do awesome!

