Operation Beautiful

I came across this website called Operation Beautiful (click for the website).  The goal for Operation Beautiful is that they are trying to uplift people and get rid of the way they talk negative about themselves.  The way it started was this founder, Caitlin, started posting post-it notes with inspirational messages written on them in random places like bathroom mirrors and such.
My first post.

When I found this website it made me smile.  We really need to be more positive on ourselves.  My boyfriend will probably laugh at me saying this because I can be extremely negative on myself, but I do need to get out of this. There are some days that I feel so ugly and worthless.  I'm not sure why because there isn't anyone putting these thoughts in my head now.  When I was in elementary school and some of middle school people made fun of me because I was "fat."  I'll admit that I was a bigger child (hell, I'm still a bigger person). but when you're 8 and people are calling you fat it doesn't make you feel wonderful. Luckily I've grown out of caring too much what people think of me, but I still think about it sometimes. I still feel really self conscious about my weight at times.  It drives Phillip crazy when I start thinking like this, but when you're pumped with negativity about it when you're growing up it kind of gets stuck in your head and it never fully goes away.  I expressed this to a friend once and she told me I was beautiful and that she has people tell me that they think I am all the time. I'm not sure if she was just trying to make me feel better or if this is true, but I don't think she would lie to me.  Either way, it make me cry when I got off the phone with her. I don't hear that nearly enough. I mean Phillip tell me all the time, but it's different when someone else tells you. It's special when someone else tells you. 

Anyways....Operation Beautiful is trying to get those thoughts out of people's heads. I think Caitlin (who's from Charlotte, NC) is pretty much brilliant. I never hesitate to tell my friends that they are but I don't necessarily tell everyone else, but everyone should know that they are beautiful and unique and can't be replaced. So go visit the website, buy some post it notes, and start posting them everywhere!!!  And remember YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL!

Something else that I came across recently was this way of decorating your walls.  I can't do it because I live in an apartment that doesn't allow us to paint, but all you need is a Sharpie or two...ok maybe three. But anyways here's the link to the actual post: http://curbly.com/chrisjob/posts/5316-the-10-sharpie-room-makeover 

Oh yeah, as for the mostly homemade Christmas, I made the first present!!! Yay!

