Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

So tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I thought that I would do a post on the things that I'm thankful for.

1. My Family
I don't care who you are or what you say your family has done to you...they're you family and they're the only family that you have! My family is so awesome! I can't even start to explain how great they are, so we're just going to leave it at they are freaking awesome! 
 My little sister
 My niece 
 My other niece
My nephew 
2. My friends
I have some great friends too. I just don't hang out or put myself around people who aren't awesome. I have too much stress in my life with school that I really don't need negative people around me. I don't need friends who are back stabbers.  And I don't care what you say if you really look at how that person acts towards other people then what's going to stop them from treating you like shit?
Nikki and me at Broadway...this pic is a couple of years old
Aim and Me at GAGA!!!!! 
3. My Job!! 
This is another one I hear people complain about. Heck even I complain about having to go to work, but I have a job that pays the bills! So even though I complain about it, I am very thankful for my job.

4. The Chance At A GREAT Education
I have the chance to go to one of the greatest schools in the nation and the greatest school in the state. (Sorry I'm not rubbing it in I promise but just saying). I'm going to pay for it in the end, God knows I'm going to pay for it in the end, but it will be okay because even if I can't pay back the loans, they can't take away my Clemson degree. Even though I stress out and freak myself out WAY too much, I know that it will be okay! 

5. My Boyfriend
Even though he has the stupidest looking mustache right now he is the best boyfriend in the world. He does everything in his power to make me happy. Words can't even start to describe how wonderful he is. 
6. My Electronics
I love my Blackberry, my computers (yes I have two), The Sims 2 and 3, my iPod, and I'm sure that there is something that I have forgotten but I love them! I know it seems like something petty, but its something I enjoy. 

7. My Sewing Machine
I use this thing WAY more than I thought I ever would. I'm only 5 ft tall and it can be really hard to find pants in short all of the time. I use it in mending all of the time and I'm going to make this really ugly shirt look really awesome soon.  There is also a shirt that I saw on Hot Topic's website that I fell in love with and it was like $20...I'm going to be able to make it for like $6! I also made my super awesome Halloween costume with it. I think I paid $80 for it, and it has been worth EVERY penny! The problem is that its just a simple machine, hence the name Singer Simple haha, so there are some things that it can't do and now that my sewing is getting a little more advanced I'm going to have to be able to do more.

8. My Makeup
This is another one that people probably go "really?!?!," but it's a hobby of mine! When I play with makeup and put makeup on and just have fun with it! Some people view makeup as something shallow, but makeup it can give you so much confidence.  I remember telling a guy once that I was thinking about developing cosmetics and he looked at me and said "so you're going to contribute to people's shallowness." That isn't what makeup is about at all. If you don't wear makeup that's cool, but if you wear it most of the time and you put just a little eyeliner on or even just mascara you automatically feel just a little better. Every morning before an exam I put on makeup because it helps me feel confident. When you aren't worried about how you look and you feel good about how you look you are going to be able to sit down at the exam and not worry about anything but that exam..Just trust me on this one :D

My makeup case

9.  Youtube
Holy crap what would I do without Youtube! I really don't think I have to explain this one too much. Youtube is educational, fun, you can listen to music, you can learn how to apply makeup, do your hair, sew, knit, crochet, and this list goes on and on.

10. Lady Gaga
Ok admit it, you knew this one was coming.  It isn't just the Mother Monster herself (yes I just went there) but it's everything that she stands for. I love that she has the resources and the fame to advocate for a lot of things and she's using it to advocate for really important issues.  I wish more celebrities would use their fame for good instead of getting in the headlines for partying too much or doing drugs. I'm not even about to get off on that rant. Anyways....also, when I'm upset I listen to her music and it makes me instantly happy!

These are the top 10 things that I'm thankful for. I know the last five seem silly, but they are things that are important to me. I'm very thankful for everything that I have. Happy Thanksgiving y'all!!! 

