Life? I Don't Know What to Name This Post....

Sooo I have been so slack on things that I need to do because I've been so focused on getting ahead on my school work that I have gotten behind on everything else. So there are things that have to be done this weekend...starting today.

Clean the apartment
Clean my car out
Fold and wash (well finish washing) clothes
Take out recycling
Start on coffee sleeves (I'll write more about this later)

Okay that doesn't sound that bad....but trust me, it is! And it's starting to get on my nerves!

So besides really needing to clean the apartment and my car, I've been doing good...I'm for once caught up on school work! I also made a B on my first exam of the semester!! WHAT WHAT! Shows you what actually studying you ass off can do...I have my next exam in two weeks, which honestly is the exact same thing that I was just tested on. Then I have the one the week after that. I'm going to have only a million and one flashcards for that one, but I've already made most of those!! So can go on ahead and start studying for the Abnormal Psychology test.  But everything is going well and even though I still get frustrated and burned out (hell I've been in school for almost 20 years I'm allowed), I still keep going...somehow.  I guess my life has made me learn to push through. I guess we do that as humans though....


"Never let life's hardships disturb you ... no one can avoid problems, not even saints or sages."
Nichiren Daishonen
