
I found this tree project on Apartment Therapy's website (click Apartment Therapy to link to the instructions that were provided on apartment therapy) and I loved the idea. I've been looking for a cheap way to decorate the walls of the apartment that I live in because we can't paint and the white is starting to drive me crazy.  So when I found this I knew I could do this for nothing.  Per usual, I was right. The initial cost of this project was $1.44 for the pack of thumb tacks (I bought two packs) and one skein of yarn for $2.50, that's $5.38.  The cool thing is that I only used about 1/8 of the yarn and both packs of thumb tacks that I bought.  So the one tree only cost me $3.19 and even though my tree didn't turn out near as good  as the one above, it still turned out pretty awesome! Well at least in my opinion.  The pictures below is my tree.  The first one is when it was half way finished and the last one is the finished project!  And sorry, the first one is a little blurry. 
