
the whole point thingy for this blog is to let the world into my life....beware it isn't always as fun as just dancing. Like tonight for instance I've had my 10 nervous break down of the week....yes week not semester and yes I am aware that it's only Tuesday, well 1 AM Wednesday morning. Trust me that makes me feel 100 times better, NOT!

Well I have a test Thursday, or tomorrow, or however you choose to look at it, and I'm kind of freaking out. Okay I understand that you may be saying why in the name of God are you writing this blog instead of studying for the damned test? Well I discovered while writing my lab report that when I write I feel just a bit better. So since I'm tired of writing the lab report I thought of my wonderful blog.

Some people don't realize how much writing your thoughts out helps your soul. It's not necessarily a way to just bitch about the things you don't like or praise the things you do like, sometimes just writing about nothing gets your mind off of everything. (By the way, random thought insert...I have a feeling this blog may have a lot to do with the way I cope with things...oh well maybe it'll help someone.) I used to keep a journal religiously growing up to, you know, record everything that happened. A lot of it was about what boy I liked at that moment in my life or what family issues I was going through or even weight issues (which I'm still dealing with today). Those five journals helped me get through some of the toughest years of my life.

Writing your thoughts out can also be a way to understand yourself. You can make it what you want and use your style, your personality. You can talk though things when writing and that piece of paper, or computer, can understand you better than anyone in the world and be completely unbiased and it won't judge. When no one else will understand whatever you're writing on is forced to understand...okay I'm not quite sure if that made too much sense, but whatever.

Well anyways, that's the reason I started this blog. To feel better, to be able to cope with my anxiety that tends to be bigger than Cooper Library and Death Valley combined. To get my thoughts out there and not keep them in any longer because I for one am tired of have 10 anxiety attacks during the first two days of the week and worrying so much that I litterally feel sick from the moment that I wake up in the morning until the moment I finally close my beautiful brown eyes. This is one good coping technique that I've learned from my mom and that I've been meaning to practice but I haven't made time. Well I'm forcing myself to make time for me and to take care of me so I don't have wrinkles by 22 aka July 19, 2010.

Gute nacht! Buenos noches! Bonne nuit!
Decir una oracion por mi!

PS: If there are any mistakes please excuse them...it is 1:21 in the morning :D
